Marcel, the most fearless of our dwarfs, is one of the main artisans involved in making LA CHOUFFE. He doesn't stand still, and that's putting it mildly. Armed with his unicycle, he quickly gets around the brewing equipment to taste this delicious blond beer known as LA CHOUFFE. He sets off on the back of a goose to share the heavenly brew with beer lovers everywhere. It is thanks to his overflowing enthusiasm that LA CHOUFFE is poured all over the world. The veritable star of the brewery, you will find Marcel with:
LA CHOUFFE - CHOUFFE Soleil (with Malcolm) - Cherry CHOUFFE (with Micheline) - N'ICE CHOUFFE (with Malcom) - CHOUFFE Bok (with a bock!)
Welcome Malcolm! The intrepid Scottish dwarf wears his kilt like no other. He must have really been craving Mc CHOUFFE to have left the Highlands to join the Chouffe Brewery. Convinced that he had real potential in tossing the caber, unfortunately he only came away with pounding headaches. To recover and find some comfort after his efforts, Malcolm wastes no time in dunking his beard into our sweet dark beer. Find Malcolm on:
Mc CHOUFFE - CHOUFFE Soleil (with his friend Marcel) - N'ICE CHOUFFE (always accompanied with Marcel)
Matthew is the Houblon CHOUFFE dwarf. As soon as he gets the chance, he stuffs his bag full and smells these sweet hop aromas. The other dwarfs regularly catch him red-handed. And every time, they give in to the temptation to give him a kick up the backside. Matthew, the Dwarf-ican, takes the opportunity to keep his head in the bag a few moments and recharge his batteries. "For Matthew, CHOUFFE Hip Hip… IPA… Ahahaha." Serve him a Houblon CHOUFFE
With Micheline, it's a case of: one word, one gesture and the other dwarfs will do the rest. In fact, it was her idea to put some fruit into their lives. Every year, she takes care of the cherry harvest with Marcel. You may be wondering how they manage to harvest enough, with their dwarfish size? Well, by calling on their titmice friends, of course! Find Micheline on your Cherry CHOUFFE